Monday, July 23

tips for fasting~

Tips 1: Drink gallons and gallons of water 

When we get dehydrated, we tend to eat more, since our brains can't tell the difference between thirst and hunger.

Tips 2 : Stay away from fried foods/fast foods 

They will only create havoc in ur digestive system. These foods will force the stomach to release numerous enzymes and will take a longer time for digestion. Heartburn and diarrhea are common symptoms associated with fried foods. 

Tips 3 : Eat more fibers 

fiber keeps your stomach full for longer periods of time. Foods that have lots of fibre in them are fruits and vegetables, whole wheat and bran breads, oats,grains etc.

Tips 4 : Follow the Prophet's Golden Rule of One Third - One third For Foods, One third for Gas and One third for liquid. 

hadkan makan ketika berbuka..
Nabi SAW bersabda: "Tidak ada bekas yang dipenuhi oleh manusia lebih teruk dari perutnya. Cukuplah manusia itu memakan beberapa suapan yang menegakkan tulang tulang sulbinya. Jika dia tetap nak jugak makan banyak maka satu pertiga perutnya untuk makanan, satu pertiga minuman dan satu pertiga lagi dikosongkan."(Hadis Riwayat Tirmizi dan Abu Daud)

Tips 5 : eat sahoor prior to dawn 

anjuran Nabi saw ; pada sahur itu terdapatnya berkat..
sahur juga dapat menguatkan badan. 
Do not overeat, though. Focus on taking in foods that are rich in fiber as discussed in previous articles.

Tips 6 : Beware of sweet stuff ahead 

these foods force you to put on weight very fast.
Secondly, they make ur blood sugar rise, then drop just like that. When the blood sugar goes thru a jump and then a drop, we get to feel sleepy and cannot stand long enuff to finish our Taraweh prayers. 
To avoid this, break ur fast with a few dates and water..that keeps ur blood sugar stable for a longer time. 

Tips 7 : let's take a walk (after iftar) 

Ramadhan is a month of worship and self-reflection; however, that is no excuse to ignore our daily exercise. If u can't commit with the regular exercise, try to walk at least 30 min every day.
Jalan ke masjid for taraweh, is the best way there is.This gentle exercise will maintain ur metabolism and keep ur body fit and burning calories, plus the change of environment and exposure to fresh air may just wake you up in time for the next activities.

Tips 8 : Taraweh 

This is d best exercise, not to mention a wonderful way to build concentration,stamina and brotherhood/sisterhood. tapi mesti ingat tujuan utama - mendekatkan diri kepada Allah.

#credit to dOodLe dakwah FB #

>> teringat puasa masa zmn skolah..
warden berusaha gigih nak kejut semua org bangun sahur..
selagi x bangun..mcm2 cara beliau buat..
siap letak radio kat sebelah dgn lagu raya wif max volume..
x bangun2 jugak..xtau la~  ^^

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